Investors / Newsroom

Appointment Of Managers Related To Directors Or Substantial Shareholders

BackFeb 27, 2002
Pursuant to Clause 902(3)(c) of the Listing Manual, we furnish the following information:-

Family relationship
with any director
and/or substantial

Current position
and duties, and the year the position
was first held

Details of changes
in duties and
position held, if
any, during the year

Tjioe Ka Lie

Daughter of Zhou Yingnan, Sister of Tjioe Ka Men and Tjioe Ka In

VP Admin since 2001, assisting Tjioe Ka Men in admin

Change of designation from Personal Assistant to VP Admin

Zhou Jia Ping

Daughter of Zhou Yingnan, Sister of Tjioe Ka Men and Tjioe Ka In

Purchasing and General Affairs Manager of Tung Lok Seafood Gallery since 2001; responsible for the Group's procurement of food and beverage
