Investors / Newsroom

Appointment Of Audit Committee Member

BackDec 20, 2002

The Board of Directors of Tung Lok Restaurants (2000) Ltd ("the Company") wishes to announce the appointment of Mr Ch'ng Jit Koon as a member of the Audit Committee with immediate effect.

The Board considers Mr Ch'ng Jit Koon an independent Director pursuant to Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual. Particulars of Mr Ch'ng pursuant to Rule 704(7) of the Listing Manual are announced separately.

The Audit Committee now comprises the following:-
Dr Ker Sin Tze (Chairman and independent non-executive Director)
Dr Tan Eng Liang (independent non-executive Director)
Mr Ch'ng Jit Koon (independent non-executive Director)
Mr Andrew Tjioe Ka Men (Managing Director)